Beverly Evans Memorial NVC Student Life Scholarship


(西北维斯塔学院 Scholarships and Program Funds,

This scholarship was created in memory of NVC’s beloved Beverly Evans. Students who have at least six earned credit hours at NVC, have a 2.5 GPA and provide evidence of engagement in two or more activities outside the classroom (student organizations, 体育团队, volunteer involvement) are eligible. This is an annual scholarship so that the funds raised each year are awarded as scholarships and new funds are raised for the next year.

请按此捐款(下 指定 部分中,选择 其他 然后输入 贝弗利·埃文斯奖学金)


贝弗的纪念录像 ——音乐:Aaron Prado

1200 - beverlyevanscollage.jpg

2059年5月29日- 2017年3月12日

Beverly Evans worked at 西北维斯塔学院 (NVC) as an Administrative Support Specialist for over 14 years. 当她开始, NVC was still relatively new so she performed a range of other duties in addition to her administrative position – from serving as Cheerleader Coach to driving basketball team members to their games in the college van. 学生们都很喜欢她, 工作人员, 和老师, for her smiling face was the first encountered when entering the president’s office. She performed her work duties with cheerfulness and efficiency and will be sorely missed by her friends and colleagues at the college.

Ms. Beverly, “The Diva” loved to dress up since childhood. She would strut into a room and command attention, whatever the occasion. When Beverly was in the building, you definitely knew it for she could be heard as well as seen. And once you met “Diva”, you never forgot her. She was larger than life and she brought joy to all who knew her. She was hilarious and everyone loved to be around her; absorbing that ray of sunshine which radiated within her. “Sally,” a catchphrase that she created was used as a term of endearment or as an exclamation point!

She was a very positive person, always looking for the good in any person or situation. She was loyal to a fault, but that was one of the reasons why she was so beloved. Beverly was a very generous lady – sharing whatever she had; but most importantly, sharing her precious time - helping those in need in whatever capacity; providing moral support and giving encouragement.